You’re Mama was right -Don’t forget those greens!

Someone had to say it – but when it comes to immune boosting foods – Greens are Queens 👑.
Not only do they contain large amounts of Vitamin C, many of the leafy green vegetables are an important source of plant based iron (low iron levels cause low energy and suppress the immune system). And even a few tablespoons of chopped Parsley or some sautéed spinach or kale can make a big improvement in your virus & inflammation fighting power.

Another benefit of eating greens is they are an excellent source of plant based, non-heme iron that helps prevent and treat iron-deficiency anemia.

Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, dandelion greens, collard greens and chard (rainbow & green!) are easy to chop finely and sneak into many cooked dishes for picky eaters and easy to sauté or roast then dress up with butter, olive oil or a little cheese and garlic.

Simply choosing to add a variety of greens, fruits and herbs to your day can boost your vitamin C intake significantly which improves your ability to stay ahead of those viruses before they get a chance to take you or your family down.