foods that help PMS

What to Eat to prevent PMS

No doubt you’re well aware of how important a balanced diet is for staying healthy -and this includes keeping your hormones balanced. So what can you eat to prevent PMS symptoms?

When it comes to reducing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms, some foods are a lot better than others. Below, I’ve included a few categories of foods that help prevent PMS and balance hormones.

What to eat to help PMS, foods that help period cramps, menstrual health.

Wholegrains: If you struggle with Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), make sure you eat whole grains regularly. (bring on the avocado toast!!)

Whole grains are a good source of thiamine (vitamin B1), which is a key player in reducing PMS symptoms, according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Women who consumed lots of thiamine were 25% less likely to be affected by PMS. Whole grains also contain riboflavin, which the same research linked to a reduction of up to 35% in PMS symptoms.

with all the recent focus on “grain-free” diets many women are inadvertently removing these important nutrients – but long term research shows us that a diet that includes moderate amounts of whole grains improves PMS symptoms as well as significantly decreases risks of breast cancer.

If you struggle to digest gluten or have Celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity there are still plenty of whole grains to choose from: whole grain oats, Quinoa (ok this is actually a fruit), millet, whole grain corn, brown rice, etc

what to eat to prevent PMS, foods to help with period cramps, hormone balance

Dried & Fresh fruit: Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that iron can help to prevent PMS. Snacking on iron rich dried apricots, dates and figs could be another game changer for PMS symptoms.

Also deep colored berries – like blueberries, black berries, boysenberries, cranberries & raspberries all contain important phytonutrients required for detoxification processes which are necessary for hormone balance.

Omega 3's , what to eat to prevent PMS, foods to help with period pain, hormone balance

Omega 3 fatty acids: According to research published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, omega 3 fatty acids can help to reduce menstrual cramps. Increasing your omega 3 intake can be a smart move if cramps and pms symptoms are a monthly struggle. Chia seeds, fatty fish (check out the for the best choices), flax seeds & hemp hearts are all great sources of omega 3s.

In one study, women who took omega 3 supplements every day for 3 months noticed a significant reduction in severity of their cramps.

It’s also important to recognize that foods can cause PMS symptoms:

High GI foods: Foods that rank high on Glycemic Index are bad news for your hormones. These are foods like White breads, pastas, cakes and sugary drinks all spike your blood sugar and insulin levels.

PROCESSED FOODS: Food coloring, nitrates and sugar substitutes also contribute to pms symptoms as well as mood and behavior.

For many women, making big dietary changes can be overwhelming – take the time to get some good food choices in your kitchen before jumping in, being prepared makes it much easier to stick with it. Also, get support- friends, family and fill your social media feed with those who are inspiring and helping you on your journey. worthwhile changes take time .

If you’d like help setting up a custom program for your individual needs I’d love to help – let’s find some time to chat – you can set up a free initial meeting here.

1 thought on “What to Eat to prevent PMS”

  1. This is so helpful! Not just for myself (I mean it totally helps me) but also for my special needs daughter. Thank you!

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