Shen, The most important treasure

Hey, how are you? Really, these are challenging times. So tough on the heart and mind.

In an effort to help, I’m publishing one of my favorite lessons in the Exhausted Woman’s Revolution. I hope you’ll find it full of resources for these trying times.

If you’d like to watch the lesson in it’s entirely, you’ll find it here.

I have to start off by saying how much I LOVE ❤️ this topic, It’s a topic close to my heart 💜(pun intended. 😉)

Today is all about the most important treasure = Shen.

There’s an analogy that Ron Teegarden, Master Herbalist of Dragon Herbs uses to explain the three treasures of health in Chinese Medicine. For those of you that are new to the idea of these treasures of health, you might find it helpful.

the three treasures are Jing, Qi & Shen. 

The three treasures

If the three treasures represented a candle:

Jing is the wax and the wick, it’s closely tied to our genetics, aging.

While there are things we can do to protect, enhance and nourish this treasure, once the wick and wax is gone, our time here on earth is over.

Qi is the flame

It’s influenced by and nourished by food, energy and thought. think about the ways we protect a flame from going out, or encourage a flame to burn stronger and things we do to keep it from burning too hot – we want to do similar types of things to preserve our Qi. 

Shen is the light given off by the candle. 

It is our higher nature and it is the most important of the treasures because it’s how we affect the world around us. what we bring to the world . light is the most valuable thing that a candle can offer, its the purpose for which it was made. your Shen is the same thing. 

“I believe depression is legitimate, but I also know if you don’t exercise, eat nutritious food, get sunlight, get enough sleep, consume positive material, surround yourself and support, then you aren’t giving yourself a fighting chance.

-Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey may be an unlikely “expert” to quote on a blog like this, but his words ring of truth. Nourishing the Shen is one of the many ways we give ourselves “a fighting chance” in times of depression, anxiety and grief.

What qualifies as a Shen tonic?

Taste is an important thing to consider when it comes to herbs. And when it comes to foods and herbs that are particularly nourishing for the heart they generally are both sweet and sour.

Sweetness is considered nourishing so that makes sense, sour is considered both astringing (helping the body hold onto nutrients) and clearing which improves both detoxification and circulation. You’ll see the importance of both of these qualities as I describe the benefits of several of my favorite Shen nourishing herbs.

I do focus mostly on herbs with this topic, because they are so powerful, but I do want to start with a special mention for pomegranates and pomegranate juice.

At just two ounces a day, pomegranate juice has been shown to lower blood pressure and triglycerides when added into the diet consistently for about eight weeks. 

that my friends, is what I consider a powerhouse.


Pomegranate also gently increases testosterone levels, not in a way that’s going to be problematic for most women. But in a way that gently improves energy and stamina. Research also shows it inhibits certain types of cancers including: colon, lung, skin and breast. It also has benefits for those dealing with arthritis, HIV, Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

Research and traditional use show it improves dental health, speeds wound healing and actually has some benefits that help clear the skin.

My favorite thing to add pomegranate juice to is sparkling mineral water. It’s A fun drink, full of phytonutrients and minerals.

fresh pomegranate seeds are just as valuable. Traditionally, fresh pomegranate seeds were eaten to help recover from pneumonia and bacterial infections. (Modern research has confirmed pomegranate extract to be effective against harmful bacteria.) I love ❤️ good news.

Because there are SO MANY Shen Nourishing herbs that have benefits for those suffering with anxiety and depression and the affects of tremendous stress I’ve created separate posts for easy reference and to avoid adding to the overwhelm.

I’ll continue to add to this list as I get more posts published.

Need help with nightmares or restless sleep? Suan Zao ren or Sour Jujube Seed.

The amazing benefits of Pearl Powder


Reishi Mushroom 🍄

I’m excited for you to get to know these cherished resources.

Happy Reading.

