What are Symptoms of thyroid problems?

Thyroid issues have become more and more common and the rates of thyroid disease have skyrocketed over the past decade. Partly because we are finally getting better at recognizing thyroid symptoms and partly because our lifestyles are putting us at greater risk.

Over 28 million Americans are estimated to have a thyroid problem (between 4-15% of the US population) and 80% of them are women and most women experience years of symptoms before getting a definitive diagnosis.

thyroid problems don’t crop up overnight, like most chronic disease, they are the result of years of stress, poor diet and inflammation.

The good news is that making changes to help manage stress, eat a more balanced diet and adding specific nutrients and herbs can help keep your endocrine system and your thyroid healthy.

First its important to recognize the symptoms of thyroid issues:

Signs & Symptoms of Hypothyoidism (from Dr Aviva Romm)



Forgetfulness, slowed cognitive function

Irregular/Heavy periods

Painful joints/carpal tunnel syndrome

Fertility/miscarriage/difficulty with breast milk production


Depression, Anxiety

Hair thinning/Hair loss

Dry skin

Weight gain

Cold intolerance

Elevated cholesterol n

Mitochondrial dysfunction

Hoarseness/deepened voice


Bradycardia (heart rate that’s too slow)

Puffy eyes


Signs of Hyperthyroidism (graves disease is the most common form in the US)


Mental Disturbances/ Irritability

Difficulty Sleeping

Bulging Eyes/Unblinking Stare/ Vision Changes

Enlarged Thyroid (Goiter)

Menstrual Irregularities/ Light Period

Frequent Bowel Movements

Warm, Moist Palms

First-Trimester Miscarriage/ Excessive Vomiting in Pregnancy

Hoarseness/ Deepening of Voice

Persistent Dry or Sore Throat Difficulty Swallowing

Palpitations/ Tachycardia

Impaired Fertility

Weight Loss or Gain

Heat Intolerance Increased Sweating

Sudden Paralysis

Family History of Thyroid Disease or Diabetes

Why is it important to recognize thyroid symptoms?

thyroid function plays essential roles in the central nervous system which can lead to decreased cognitive function, slowing of motor function, memory loss, bone loss as well as problems with the metabolic system.

A healthy thyroid is also crucial for reproductive health as thyroid imbalances are often associated with menstrual irregularities, infertility, miscarriage, postpartum depression and issues with milk production.

Do you struggle with several of the above symptoms? Have you already been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder? If so – what can you do?

Getting a blood test is important – talk to your healthcare provider about getting a test.

If results confirm Hypo or Hyper thyroid disfunction its important to get started right away. Graves disease needs to be managed by a professional, so seek out an experienced and recommended Dr to get care.

Hypothyroidism can be handled a variety of ways including adding thyroid medication – but making sure you are addressing the underlying nutritional deficiencies, stressors and root causes is key to regaining energy and health.

I have more information on my top 3 favorite nutrients and herbs for a sluggish thyroid here.

you can also schedule a free call with me here for more information on natural ways to manage thyroid disease.