Feeling Worn Out?

Fatigue you just can’t seem to get on top of?
Muscle weakness, constipation, sore tongue, depression, confusion, loss of memory, numbness or tingling in the feet, struggling to get pregnant or multiple miscarriages, heavy periods.

If any of these sound familiar – its worth looking at your B-12 status.

B-12 deficiency is much more common than you might realize – a study from Tufts University Framingham found that 40% of people between the ages of 26-83 were low in B-12, 16% were borderline low & 9% were extremely deficient. (that’s about 60% of the population!!)
B-12 is absolutely crucial for many of the cellular processes in our body – so it makes sense, that when we are low in this essential vitamin, you just don’t feel yourself.

Even when you add some or many of the great adaptogenic and tonic herbs we have (and we’ve got SO many more to talk about)…
if you’re B-12 is low – you will likely still feel tired and not quite on top of your game.
Wonder if this could be part of the solution for you?

Consider this:
Vegans don’t get this essential vitamin from their diet (so supplementation is a MUST, especially if you’ve been on a vegan diet for longer than a year.)

Others who struggle to absorb enough B-12 from their diets are:


anyone on a highly restricted diet…

those with celiac disease, IBS, Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis

anyone undergoing cancer treatments
and anyone taking metformin or a PPI (like prevacid or prilosac) or H2 blocker

and those who consume a lot of alcohol
are all at risk of being critically low…..and its crucial to take steps to rectify.

B-12 is essential for energy, neurologic function, healthy pregnancy, immune function and so much more.

Do you fit any of these categories?

If so – its worth getting checked!

One of the easiest way to increase B-12 is through your diet!! Oysters, Clams, Pastured Eggs, Grass Fed Beef, Free Range Chicken, Turkey & Pork, Grass Fed Dairy products are all good sources of B-12. Including one to 3 servings a day can make a big difference.

Sometimes diet isn’t enough so supplementation is crucial to bring B-12 levels up to optimum amounts.  Check with your health care provider if you aren’t sure what is best for you.

If you’d like to try some adding a supplement – liquid B-12 and sub-linguals are well regarded as easily absorbed (pro tip: take B vitamins in the morning!) I’ve got a few options on my amazon page

Personally I’m a big fan of patches

I’ve also got a Fullscript account I will be opening to my readers and followers where you can order many high quality herbs and supplements. Link will be here when its active!