Vitamin C - benefits for colds, flus and for physically stressful sports

The Power of Vitamin C


Back in 1991 a study compared two groups of cold virus sufferers – one group was given decongestants and pain relievers to manage cold symptoms -the other group was given 1000mg doses of vitamin C every hour for the first 6 hours then 3 doses a day thereafter.
the Vitamin C group of course!

So is it safe for you to do this at home?  For most people the answer is yes -if you have active Ulcerative Colitis or something similar then it is wise to check with a qualified health professional first.

The key to using larger doses of vitamin C is to know where your bowel tolerance is – and it can be anywhere from 2000mg to 18000mg of vitamin C. If you begin to notice more gassiness or looser stools then that’s a sign that you’ve reached your bowel tolerance and you need to slow down or back off of dosing.  But most people’s tolerance (and need for) vitamin C goes WAY up when they get sick, so be aware that it may be different with each individual in your family -and each time they get sick.

Large doses of vitamin C have been used in a variety of studies and we now know that we can use higher levels to help prevent heart disease, boost immunity as well as intravenous doses are now being used to kill certain types of cancer cells.

Looking for a good supplement? There are several good ones – but when it comes to absorption, liquid is really the fastest. Consider Raw Garden Natural Liquid  or Dynamic Health   (If you can find Nature’s Answer in stock its an excellent choice as well) Even Emergen C is a great option and can be mixed in hot or cold water.

That’s great news for us at home 🙌🏼 – because there are TONS of natural ways to increase levels of this vitamin throughout your day by being mindful of what you are eating. After all – Food is our Best Medicine!

Click on the pics below for more great ways to incorporate Vitamin C in your diet.